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Knee Conditions


The knee is a complex joint that can flex, extend and twist from side to side. Because of the complexity of movement that it provides and the weight that it bears, the knee joint is vulnerable to injury.


Muscles attached to the bone by tough collagenous cords called tendons. Other collagenous tissue, ligaments, connect the bones to each other and provide stability. A layer of cartilage covers the ends of the bones to provide ease of movement and absorption of shock. Deterioration of articular cartilage results in osteoarthritis, causing pain and stiffness.


Ligaments, cartilage and tendons are composed of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body. The density of collagenous tissue provides strength and stability, but this density also inhibits blood flow. Without adequate supply of healing cells to replenish tissue, collagenous tissue generally does not heal well. We often talk about arthritic pain in knees. This debilitating condition is often the result of previous injuries that never quite heal completely. Knee injuries may become less painful, but complete healing of the collagenous tissue of the knee is rare. 


Although it can hit you at any age, knee pain becomes more of an issue as we get older as the tissue becomes less pliable, weaker, and more prone to injury. Athletic activity often places stress on the knees to cause small tears, making the tissue vulnerable to more serious conditions. Tiny tears resulting from strain or sprain become more serious injury. Chronic inflammation will most likely lead to arthritis.

Common symptoms include:

  • •  Swelling and stiffness
  • •  Redness and warmth to the touch
  • •  Weakness or instability
  • •  Popping or crunching noises
  • •  Inability to fully straighten the knee

The body needs a little help.

Knee Pain


Procedures for Knee Arthritis, Meniscus Tears, Tendon & Ligament Tears, Overuse Injuries and Other Conditions

Stem Cell Therapy and Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP) accelerate regeneration of healthy tissue to replace damaged cells, helping to strengthen the joint, improve function, and reduce pain. Regenerative procedures inject your own healing cells directly into damaged tissue to enhance repair on a cellular level. Scientific advances in the understanding of how the body actually heals through tissue regeneration provides physicians the knowledge to enhance healing from within, often preventing invasive surgery. Read more

The ability to heal is determined by many factors, some known and some unknown. We do know that when healing is incomplete, tissue damage becomes chronic, leading to arthritis, mechanical dysfunction and harmful stress to adjoining structural areas. Stem Cell Therapy and PRP have shown significant improvement in level of pain and structural function.


Regenexx is a world-wide network of select, highly skilled physicians who are specially trained in interventional procedures for orthopedic conditions. Regenexx provides the world's most advanced, research-driven, regenerative orthopedic procedures in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Specializing in advanced non-surgical procedures for joint Injuries, osteoarthritis, and other orthopedic conditions, Dr. Minotti brings these procedures to you!

Knee video

If you have injured your knee, or if normal wear and tear has caused degeneration of your joint, PRP may help. It uses parts of your own blood to help repair knee damage. It may help you avoid surgery.

To determine if Regenerative Orthopedics will be helpful for you, please tell us about your condition.

Regenexx procedures are designed to help reduce knee pain and improve function with precise highly specific image-guided medical procedures.

View live results from the Regenexx registry.


Common conditions of the knee

Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that erodes the articular cartilage between the bones of the knees. It occurs most often in older people. Lack of protective cartilage results in friction that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and restricted movement. Common causes include: overweight, excessive strain over prolonged periods of time, previous injury, growth abnormalities, and joint diseases. Regenerative procedures offer an alternative to joint replacement and harmful steroids.

Meniscus & cartilage wear and tears. The two wedge-shape cartilage pieces between the thighbone and the shinbone are called menisci. Menisci stabilize the knee joint and act as shock absorbers. Meniscus tear is the most common knee injury in athletes. A torn meniscus causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and catching or locking in the knee. PRP is an excellent alternative to arthroscopic surgery. Read more

Ligament & tendon injury. Ligaments and tendons, the connective tissues helping to stabilize the joint, are prone to injury during athletic activity. When stretched, these tissues can develop small micro-tears that are slow and difficult to heal, generally resulting in chronic conditions and arthritis. Because of poor blood supply, collagenous tissue generally does not heal completely. Scar tissue develops rather than healthy, functional tissue. Scar tissue is less elastic than healthy tissue, making the joint more immobile that further affects the structural integrity of the joint. Read more about healing of collagenous tissue.

Other common knee conditions

  • •  Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • •  Patellofemoral pain syndrome ("Runner's Knee")
  • •  Patellar tracking Disorder
  • •  Chondromalacia patella
  • •  Jumper's knee
  • •  Iliotibial (IT) band syndrome


Knee Procedures


We Can Help

To learn more about what we can do to help with your condition, call our office at 817-416-0970. We will thoroughly diagnose your condition and present you with treatment options. From there we will guide you along your road to recovery.